I got NO sleep last night. Was stressed out and worried about the quality of my work. And yet, I ended up having a really great day.
I got a really thoughtful message from Mariana that made my day. My Workshop professor actually liked my first draft; she thought it was witty and a great start. In my second class, I got my first review back and she had really liked it. I got an "A," and she thought my piece was well-written and funny. Yay. We had a special guest (Alicia Anstead), whom I had been really excited to meet.
After class, my arts criticism professor paid me huge compliments. I felt like I belonged here. This is something I have been doubting since last semester. Today, however, marked a change. I have aspirations to be a great journalist and write epic things, but I cannot deny who I am. I love arts and entertainment. I like to have fun with my subjects. I want my passion to shine. This in mind, I have been seriously thinking that what I really want to do with my career is be an arts reporter. I want to get paid to attend theatrical performances (professional or otherwise). I want to write critiques and reviews. I want to write critical essays about pop culture. It is the sector in which I know I would be the most happiest. Of course, food writing is a definite interest but I can live without it. I think I may know what I want to do with my life.
I had made plans to go out or drinks with Denise. We needed to catch up and didn't get a chance to do that at her dinner party last week. We caught the tail of end of Uno's happy hour and then went for another drink at the BU pub. We're very much alike and it's a shame Denise and I haven't hung out more. I had a great conversation with her about life, love, careers, and all that jazz. Excluding the time I spent with Mariana, it's been a while since I had a good conversation.
I don't know what it was about today, but the fates felt I was overdue for compliments and renewed confidence. I'm exhausted and I thought this day would be awful, but it ended up being a really great day.
- R
p.s. really excited about seeing My Fair Lady on Saturday. Trevor Nunn production. Straight from the West End. Marni Nixon is part of the cast. Cannot wait!
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures
2 weeks ago
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